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Jasper Morrison

Jasper Morrison is a British multidisciplinary designer, well known for creating the ‘Supernormal’ concept together with Japanese designer Naoto Fukosawa. A highly productive designer, Morrison splits his time between studios in London, Tokyo and Paris.

In a world where many designers use new technologies to add superfluous details to their designs, Morrison does the opposite, using machinery to refine his designs into creations that do not distract, but which harmonise with the user’s environment and create a good atmosphere.
Designer portrait Jasper Morrison
Designer portrait Jasper Morrison

Discrete objects are more succesful in building good atmosphere than an eye catching one.

Jasper Morrison

A mark on contemporary design internationally

Born in London in 1959, he graduated in design from Kingston Polytechnic Design School and holds an MA in Design from the Royal College of Art, London. He also studied at the Berlin University of the Arts. Upon graduation in 1986, Morrison set up his Office for Design in London, which remains his base.

Morrison’s approach to design was reflected in the exhibition Super Normal, which he organised in Japan in 2006 with the Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa.

Throughout decades, Morrison has worked with several notable brands and manufacturers putting his mark on contemporary design internationally, Fredericia being the first Danish design company on this impressive list.

Designer Jasper Morrison
Designer Jasper Morrison

Meet our designers

Since our foundation in 1911, we have built up a strong tradition of beautiful craftsmanship and innovative design, developed in close collaboration with a circle of internationally recognised designers.

Designer Erik Jørgensen
Designer Erik Jørgensen

Erik Jørgensen


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